For those paying attention... last month I temporarily downgraded the site and there is not currently a subscription required to access the member portion. The reason for this is that we have moved twice in the past ten months, and my main focus is the making of money on eBay. Since I have not had the chance to add new items to the Field Guide or blog frequently for a little while, I opened it up until I'm back on top of it. I am also currently working on some projects that should interest you; details later.
At the moment this site receives NO money from advertising or other promotions. If you have a related product or service of your own that you would like to include here, please contact us. Any currently linked websites have not paid for advertising, and the makers of the products we sell have not offered us any money. In the future, we may change to paid advertising for you and money-generating ads on the site, but for now we are operating on subscriptions and donations only and they are greatly appreciated.